DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial

* Glossary *

Case Nr.1684
Crime Category: Euthanasie
Ahr., Otto 6 Years
Düm., Elfriede 4 Years
Tie., Paula 6 Years
Roh., Erwin Acquittal
Mün., Hermann Acquittal
Fel., Dr.med. Michael Acquittal
LG/BG Magdeburg 480214 Az.: 2Ks11/47
Country where the crime was committed: GDR
Crime Location: HuPa Uchtspringe
Crime Date: 40-45
Victims: Mentally Ill
Nationality: German
Agency: Euthanasie-Aktion Medical Staff HuPa Uchtspringe, Nursings Staff HuPa Uchtspringe, Sanatorium office Merseburg, Charitable Foundation for the Transport of Patients
Subject of the proceeding: Killing of mentally ill children and adults by means of injections with Luminal or Morphia. Transport of mentally ill patients to the extermination centers. Administrative work on behalf of the Euthanasia-Aktion in the Merseburg Sanatorium office [ see also Case Nr. 1316]

Published in DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen vol. XI


The court decision(s) of this case can be found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line) here.