DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial

* Glossary *

Case Nr.1511
Crime Category: Mass Extermination Crimes in Camps, Other Mass Extermination Crimes, NS Crimes in Detainment Centers
And., Kurt 2½ Years
Bur., Kurt Arthur Friedrich 6 Years
Dec., Erich Albert 15 Years
Esp., Erich Arthur Max 10 Years
Fär., Hans 15 Years
Ge., Karl Friedrich 12 Years
Gle., Walter Reinhold Egon Otto 8 Years Reha: Rehabilitation request denied
Gra., Erich Gustav 8 Years
Kal., Emil 9 Years
Knö., Walter Herbert 10 Years
Koc., Herbert 10 Years
Köh., Martin Arthur 12 Years
Krebs, Felix Willy Life Sentence
Kro., Friedrich Ernst 1 Year
Krü., Walter Gustav Acquittal
Kuh., Gustav Ernst 8 Years
Lei., Gustav Adolf 8 Years
Mör., Kurt Ernst 6 Years
Neumerkel, Reinhard Hermann Death Sentence
Rost, Dr.ing.chem. Arthur Alwin Death Sentence
Seidel, Willi Ernst Death Sentence
Sta., Leo Paul 11 Years
Tietge, Marianne Gertrud b. Haubold Life Sentence
Voi., Ernst Alwin 4 Years
Wagner, Alfred Richard Paul Death Sentence
LG/BG Leipzig 481222 Az.: 19StKs97/48 1Sprk105/48-1Sprk118/48
LG/BG Leipzig 940929 Az.: BSRH6149/92
Country where the crime was committed: Poland
Crime Location: ZAL Skarzysko-Kamienna, ZAL Schlieben, ZAL Tschenstochau (Czestochowa)
Crime Date: 40-4501
Victims: Jews
Nationality: Polish
Agency: Industry HASAG Kamienna, HASAG Tschenstochau
Subject of the proceeding: 'Kamienna Trial'. Displacement of the Jewish population of the surrounding area of Kamienna to the labor camp and robbing of their valuables. Single and mass shootings of Jewish forced laborers of the HASAG. Participation in selections and hangings. Torture and mishandlings, in part with fatal results [see also Case Nrs. 1369 and 1432 and JuNSV Case Nr. 654]

Published in DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen vol. IX


The court decision(s) of this case can be found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line) here.