DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial
* Glossary *
Case Nr.
Crime Category: Denunciation
Lan., Dr. Erich 8 Years Reha: Sentence annulled as a violation of
the rule of law
LG/BG Halle 490222 Az.: 13aStKs166/48
OLG Halle 490808 Az.: ERKs50/49
LG/BG Halle 940622 Az.: 31Reh4112/91(238)
Country where the crime was committed: Norway
Crime Location: Kristiansand
Crime Date: 450405
Victims: German Soldiers
Nationality: German
Agency: Wehrmacht Navy in Kristiansand
Subject of the proceeding: In April 1945 a sailor, under the influence of
alcohol, insulted Hitler and the NS regime and threatened a navy doctor who gave
him a sedative injection, with reprisals after the imminent collapse of the
Third Reich. When the sailor went on the rampage shortly thereafter, he was
taken from the sick bay. The doctor gave his testimony to the unit that came to
fetch the sailor and - without conducting a blood test - declared that the
sailor was not totally drunk. The doctor repeated this testimony during his
interrogation by the Navy court which had opened proceedings against the sailor
in early May 1945. The sailor was sentenced to death and shot on 4 May [see also
JuNSV Case Nr. 354 - case against the participating naval judge L.]
Published in DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen vol. IX
The court decision(s) of this case can be
found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line)