DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial
* Glossary *
Case Nr.
Crime Category: Mass Extermination Crimes in Camps, Other Mass
Extermination Crimes, NS Crimes in Detainment Centers, Final Phase Crimes
Bro., Willi Alfred Rudolf 2½ Years
Döring, Georg Oswald Death Sentence
Fei., Gustav Hermann 10 Years
Günther, Heinz Alfred Werner Life Sentence
Lac., Hermann Robert 20 Years
Lamkewitz, Viktor Leo Thomas Life Sentence
Linzner, Walter Kurt Death Sentence
Mär., Gustav 10 Years
Mic., Karl Ernst 2 Years
M., Richard Karl Procedding suspended
Nic., Johannes Franz 10 Years
Por., Friedrich Albin Helmut 1½ Years
Pra., Walther Siegfried 12 Years
Röt., Frieda Alwine Maria 8 Years
Sch., Gerhard Johannes Louis Acquittal
Schi., Heinrich Ernst 12 Years
Schu., Ernst Willy 3½ Years
Spalteholz, Horst Erhard Waldemar Ernst Death Sentence
Sta., Gottfried 11 Years
Wal., Gustav Hermann Karl 3½ Years
Wittig, Felix Kurt Death Sentence
LG/BG Leipzig 490617 Az.: 19StKs27/49 1Sprk106/48
LG/BG Leipzig 490729 Az.: 19StKs27/49 1Sprk106/48
OLG Dresden 500524 Az.: 21ERKs34/50
Country where the crime was committed: Poland, GDR
Crime Location: HS ZAL Kielce, HS ZAL Schlieben, HS ZAL Skarzysko-Kamienna,
HS ZAL Tschenstochau (Czestochowa)
Crime Date: 40-4501
Victims: Jews
Nationality: Polish
Agency: Industry HASAG Schlieben, HASAG Kielce, HASAG Skarzysko-Kamienna,
HASAG Tschenstochau
Subject of the proceeding:
(Czestochowa)‑Trial.' Shooting of Jewish forced laborers of the HASAG (Hugo
Schneider company). Participation in selections. Mishandling of male, female and
juvenile forced laborers, in part with fatal results. Carrying out an evacuation
transport, during which many prisoners died due to the inhuman conditions [see
also Case Nrs. 1369 and 1511 as well as JuNSV Nrs. 186, 275 and 654]
Published in DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen vol. VIII
The court decision(s) of this case can be
found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line)