DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial

* Glossary *

Case Nr.1310
Crime Category: War Crimes
Sch., Herbert 3 Years
LG/BG Magdeburg 500519 Az.: 11StKs24/50
Country where the crime was committed: Poland
Crime Location: Warschau
Crime Date: 44
Victims: Civilians
Nationality: Polish
Agency: Wehrmacht Army 8.Jägerdivision (riflemen division)
Subject of the proceeding: Company chief of the 8th. riflemen division who was deployed in the quelling of the Warsaw uprising in 1944

Published in DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen vol. VI


The court decision(s) of this case can be found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line) here.