DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial

* Glossary *

Case Nr.1163
Crime Category:  War Crimes, Administrative Crimes, Other Mass Extermination Crimes, Other NS-Crimes
Sattler, Bruno Wilhelm Berthold Martin Life Sentence Reha: Rehabilitation request denied
LG/BG Greifswald 520703 Az.: IKs112/52
LG/BG Rostock 521203 Az.: Ss2/52
LG/BG Rostock 980118 Az.: IIRRO86/97
Country where the crime was committed: GDR, Serbia
Crime Location: Berlin, Hannover, Belgrade
Crime Date:
33-42, 42-44
  Civilians, Members of the resistance, Jews
Nationality: Yugoslavian (Serbian), German
Police RSHA Gestapo Department, Police Gestapo Potsdam, Police Gestapo Belgrade
Subject of the proceeding:
Section leader in RSHA: Investigations against members of the Social-Democratic Party and arrest of more than 300 members of the illegal organization 'Socialist Front', many of whom were sentenced to severe prison terms (Hannover). Head of Gestapo Serbia: arrest of members of the resistance, forced labor deportation to Germany, transfer of members of the resistance to KL Auschwitz, respectively, request to shoot them as hostages. Deportation of Jews to Saloniki. Participation in the killing of approx. 8000 Jews from the Semlin camp near Belgrade, by means of 'gas vans' [see also JuNSV Case nr.362]

Published in DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen vol. IV


The court decision(s) of this case can be found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line) here.