DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial

* Glossary *

Case Nr.1052
Crime Category: War Crimes, Mass Extermination Crimes in Camps, NS-Crimes in Detainment Centers
Brekenfelder, Paul Wilhelm Rudolf Life Sentence Rehab: Rehabilitation request denied
LG/BG Rostock 680628
Ob. Gericht der DDR 680906
LG/BG Rostock 980507
Country where the crime was committed: GDR
Crime Location: KL Sachsenhausen, KL Heinkelwerke in Germendorf
Crime Date: 4001-4504
Victims: Prisoners of War, Prisoners, Jews
Nationality: Soviet, French, German, unknown
Agency: KL Sachsenhausen
Subject of the proceeding: Mishandling of prisoners, thereby causing the death of some of them. Participation in the shooting of Soviet prisoners of war in the camp's execution barracks (Russenaktion), by securing the transport to the execution site in at least ten instances. Participation in the gassing of at least 400 prisoners (Jews, sick prisoners and prisoners who were incapable of work) by herding them into the anteroom of the gas chamber, early 1945. Selection of prisoners arriving from KL Dora-Nordhausen in April 1945, and shooting of one of these prisoners, who, even though still alive, had been taken to the hall for the disposal of corpses

Published in DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen vol. II


The court decision(s) of this case can be found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line) here.

Press reports