DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial
* Glossary *
Case Nr.
Crime Category: War Crimes, Other Mass Extermination Crimes
Schwerhoff, Hubert Death Sentence
LG/BG Berlin 720509
Ob. Gericht der DDR 720629
Country where the crime was committed: Poland, Ukraine
Crime Location: Sanok (town and surroundings), Dydnia, Przemysl (town and
surroundings), Drobomil, Blachstädt, Krakau
Crime Date: 3909-4501
Victims: Jews, Prisoners of War, Members of the Resistance, Civilians
Nationality: Polish, Soviet
Agency: Einsatzkommando I/1, Grenzpolizei (Frontier Police) Przemysl, Sipo
(Security Police) Krakau, Grenzpolizei Blachownia
Subject of the proceeding: Expulsion of Polish Jews from the Sanok area across the
San border-river (at the time) into Soviet territory. Seizure, mishandling and transfer to
concentration camp of members of the Polish intelligentsia from Przemysl. Mishandling of
prisoners during interrogation. Shooting of 10 non-commissioned officers of the Polish
army. Participation in the deportation of, at least, 200 Jews to extermination camps as
well as participation in the killing of, at least, 1150 Jews during five execution
operations in the Przemysl area and in Dobromil. Ordering of protective custody of Polish
members of the resistance (Krakau). Seizure, torture, taking into protective custody, or
shooting of Polish persons suspected of partisan activities (Blachstädt)
Published in DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen vol. II
The court decision(s) of this case can be
found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line)