Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial
* Glossary *
Case Nr.
Crime Category: Euthanasia
Bun., Dr.med. Heinrich 3 Years
End., Dr.med. Klaus Sentence of 23.5.1967 quashed by the BGH,
afterwards unfit to stand trial
Ull., Dr.med. Aquilin Karl 3 Years
LG Frankfurt/M. 870518
LG Frankfurt/M. 670523
BGH 700807
BGH 881214
Country where the crime was committed: Germany
Crime Location: HuPA Bernburg, HuPA Brandenburg/Havel, HuPA Sonnenstein
Crime Date: 4003-4110
Victims: Mentally ill
Nationality: German
Agency: Euthanasia-Aktion Medical Staff HuPA Sonnenstein, HuPA Bernburg, HuPA Brandenburg
Subject of the proceeding: Identification of the patients who had arrived
in the centers to be put to death, causing their gassing and dispatching
so-called comfort letters to misguide their relatives
Published in Justiz und NS-Verbrechen Vol. XLVII
The court decision(s) of this case can be
found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line)
Press reports