Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial

* Glossary *

Case Nr.784
Crime Category: Mass Extermination Crimes by Einsatzgruppen
Boc., Wilhelm Acquittal
Bra., Fritz 9 Years
Ebe., Karl Albert Wilhelm 5 Years
Her., Günther 7 Years
Hu., Walter 3½ Years
Som., Hans-Joachim 6 Years
LG Düsseldorf 730112
Country where the crime was committed: Ukraine
Crime Location: Poltawa, Artemowsk, Winniza, Kirowograd, Gorlowka, Konstantinowka, Krementschug, Slawiansk, Uman, unknown (southern Ukraine)
Crime Date: 41-42
Victims: Jews, mentally ill
  Einsatzgruppen SK4b
Subject of the proceeding:
Killing of Jews and mentally ill patients in a number of towns in southern Russia

Published in Justiz und NS-Verbrechen Vol. XXXVIII


The court decision(s) of this case can be found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line) here.

Press reports