Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial
Case Nr.774
Crime Category: Euthanasia
Bo., Dr.med. Kurt Walter Werner Acquittal
LG Frankfurt/M. 720606
BGH 740320
Country where the crime was committed: Germany
Crime Location: HuPA Bernburg, HuPA Sonnenstein
Crime Date: 4012-4108
Victims: Mentally ill
Nationality: German
Agency: Euthanasia-Aktion Medical Staff HuPA Sonnenstein,
HuPA Bernburg
Subject of the proceeding: Participation in the killing
of mentally ill patients as assistant-physician
Published in Justiz und NS-Verbrechen Vol. XXXVII
The court decision(s) of this case can be found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line) here.