Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial
Case Nr. 671
Crime Category: Other mass extermination crimes, NS-crimes in detainment centres
Blu., Peter 6½ Years
Büt., Martin Acquittal
Epple, Ernst Life sentence
F., Paul Acquittal
Hei., Ernst 8½ Years
Inq., Ernst 9 Years
Kol., Adolf 7 Years
Löh., Anton Adolf 7 Years
Preu., Ernst Acquittal
Röd., Rudolf 10 Years
Schö., Roman 8 Years
Sob., Hans 2½ Years
Ulm., Karl no punishment imposed (§47 MStGB)
Web., Heinz Acquittal
Wöb., Carl 9 Years
LG Stuttgart 680429
BGH 710518
Country where the crime was committed: Ukraine
Crime Location: HS ZAL Lemberg-Janowskastrasse, HS ZAL Borki Wielki, HS ZAL Grodek-Jagiellonski, HS ZAL Hermanow, HS ZAL Jaktorow, HS ZAL Kurowice, HS ZAL Stupki, HS ZAL Winniki, Lemberg, Zloczow
Crime Date: 42-43
Victims: Jews
Nationality: Soviet, unknown
Agency: Police Sipo Lemberg
Subject of the proceeding: Single and mass killings by shooting, hanging, and mishandling of Jewish forced laborers working on Transit Road Nr.4 from Lemberg to Tarnopol. Deportations from Lemberg and Zloczow to KL Belzec, as well as shootings of, among others, members of the Jewish Order police and of the president of the Jewish Council of Lemberg
Published in Justiz und NS-Verbrechen Vol. XXVII
The court decision(s) of this case can be found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line) here.