Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial
* Glossary *
Case Nr.
Crime Category: Other Mass Extermination Crimes
Baab, Heinrich Life sentence
LG Frankfurt/M. 500405
Country where the crime was committed: Germany
Crime Location: Frankfurt/M.
Crime Date: 4007-4402
Victims: Jews, Civilians
Nationality: German
Agency: Police Gestapo Frankfurt/M.
Subject of the proceeding: Cooperation of an official of the Jewish department in
the deportation of Jews from Frankfurt/M to the East; arrest, mishandling and transport to
Auschwitz and other concentration camps of Jewish partners in mixed marriages
('Mischehepartner') who had actually been formally exempted from such transports;
mishandling and statement extortion of a number of civilians, who had been arrested for
various reasons (listening to foreign broadcasts, KPD-membership, anti-national socialist
mentality, etc.)
Published in Justiz und NS-Verbrechen Vol. VI
The court decision(s) of this case can be
found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line)
Press reports