Justiz und NS-Verbrechen
Nazi Crimes on Trial
* Glossary *
Case Nr.
Crime Category: Euthanasia
Borkowski, Margarethe Hermine 2½ Years
Ge. geb. St., Lina Acquittal
G., Hubert Acquittal
Gorgass, Hans Bodo Death Sentence
Hä., Elfriede Acquittal
Härtle, Benedikt 3½ Years
H., Paul Acquittal
Huber, Irmgard 8 Years
L., Maximilian Friedrich Acquittal
Lückoff, Wilhelm 3 Years 1 Month
Moos, Erich Karl Friedrich 4 Years
Reuter, Paul 4½ Years
R., Hildegard Acquittal
D., Fritz Acquittal
Schm., Margot Acquittal
Schrankel, Agnes 3½ Years
Sc. geb. M., Johanna Acquittal
Se. geb. Wa., Ingeborg Acquittal
S., Paula Acquittal
T. geb. S., Judith Acquittal
Thomas, Lydia 5 Years
U., Elisabeth Acquittal
Wahlmann, Adolf Death Sentence
W. geb. Wo., Elisabeth Acquittal
Zielke, Christel 3 Years 9 Months
LG Frankfurt/M. 470321
OLG Frankfurt/M. 481020
Country where the crime was committed: Germany
Crime Location: HuPA Hadamar
Crime Date: 41-45
Victims: Mentally Disabled
Nationality: German
Agency: Euthanasia-Aktion Doctors HuPA Hadamar, Euthanasia-Aktion Nursing Staff
HuPA Hadamar, Euthanasia-Aktion Administrative Staff HuPA Hadamar, Euthanasia-Aktion
Technical Staff HuPA Hadamar
Subject of the proceeding: Killing of mentally disabled patients by means of toxic
gas and poisonous injections
Published in Justiz und NS-Verbrechen Vol. I
The court decision(s) of this case can be
found in the printed volumes of the series or (on-line)