All-German Trials
Listed in this overview are cases involving criminal complexes tried in both East and West Germany
East |
West |
Subject of the proceedings |
Liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto by on-site shootings and by deportations to the extermination camp of Treblinka |
Liquidation of forced labor camp Trawniki |
Killing of Jews from the Riga ghetto by on-site shootings or in the nearby forest of Rumbula |
Gassing of the inmates of the Mogilew prison by means of gas vans, by the Secret Field Police |
Gassing of approx. 214 mentally ill children from the children's home in Jeisk by means of gas vans, by EK 10a |
Liquidation of the Stanislau ghetto through on-site shootings as well as through deportations to the Polish extermination camps |
Crimes committed by 'Volksdeutsche' (ethnic Germans) from the village of Deutsch-Mokra (then Hungarian), who had wandered off into the German occupied Ukraine and had been employed by the Security Police in the area of Stanislau |
Liquidation of the Lemberg ghetto through on-site shootings as well as through deportations to the extermination camp of Belzec |
Liquidation of the Przemysl ghetto through on-site shootings as well as through deportations to the Polish extermination camps |
Killing of Jews, mentally ill, prisoners and inhabitants of so-called partisan villages in the Mogilew area by EK 8 |
Shooting of the Jewish population from Libau |
Single shootings of Jews during patrols in the Warsaw ghetto |
Killing of inmates from the Pawiak prison in Warsaw |
Shooting of Jews and hostages by the Security Police in Mielec |
Shootings of thoussands of Soviet prisoners of war in the execution site ('Genickschussanlage') of KL Sachsenhausen |
Killing of mentally ill patients at the Bernburg institution |
Killing of mentally ill patients at the Sonnenstein institution |
Killing of the Austrian state attorney Dr. Tuppy, who had headed the prosecution of the National-Socialist killers of the Austrian chancellor Dollfuss (KL Sachsenhausen) |
Involvement in the activities of a 'flying court martial', during the final months of the war |
Liquidation of the Lodz ghetto through on-site shootings and deportations to the Chelmno extermination camp |
Killing of the approx. 6000 inmates of the Jewish camp Semlin near Belgrad, by means of gas vans |
TKilling of mentally ill patients in the Hadamar institution |
Searching and arresting of Jews who had gone into hiding in Berlin, by Jewish 'grabbers' of the Berlin Gestapo |
Killing of a ships engineer, who had made derogatory remarks about Hitler and the war situation, on board of the tanker 'Adria' |
Mass shootings of Poles who were supposed to have killed 'Volksdeutsche' (ethnic Germans) in Bromberg, or who belonged to the Polish intelligentsia |
Shooting of an army doctor for alleged desertion shortly before the end of the war |
Quelling of the Warsaw uprising of 1944 |
Killing of prisoners in the course of the evacuation of KL Sonnenberg |
Killing of mentally ill patients in the Uchtspringe nursing home |
Deportation of the Jews from Frankfurt/ Main |
Shooting of the mayor of Stollberg (Erzgeb.) near the end of the war |
Killing of mentally ill patients at the Grafeneck institution |
Imposing a death sentence on, and executing of a rioting sailor, who had ranted at Hitler and the Nazi regime, near the end of the war |
Killing of mentally ill patients at the Sachsenberg institution |
Killing of mentally ill patients at the Meseritz-Obrawalde institution |