'Dachau Trials'
Trials by U.S. Army Courts in Europe 1945 - 1948

File Number:
Review Date:480112
Case Number: 000-Buchenwald-25 (US vs. August Giese) 470922
Crime Category: War Crimes; NS-Crimes in Detainment Centers
Giese, August - 4 Years
Court: General Military Government Court at Dachau, Germany, 470922
Country where the crime had been committed: Germany
Crime Location: KL Laura (sub camp of KL Buchenwald)
Crime Date: 4502-4503
Victim: Prisoners
Nationality: unknown, French, Polish
Agency: Detainment Center Staff KL Laura
Subject of the proceeding:
Participated in the killing of a prisoner under unspecified circumstances. Mistreatment of prisoners by assaulting them with a stick, his hands, and by setting a dog on them. Mistreatment of prisoners, who were to weak to work and ordering to shoot one of them