'Dachau Trials'
Trials by U.S. Army Courts in Europe 1945 - 1948

File Number:
Review Date: 470714
Case Number: 12-2971 (US vs. Heinrich Jaeger et al)
Crime Category: War Crimes
Jaeger, Heinrich - 2 Years
Kuennemann, Robert - 3 Years
Schmidt, Hermann [Herman Gustav] - 1½ Years
Court: Intermediate Military Government Court at Dachau, Germany 470526
Country where the crime had been committed: Germany
Crime Location: Walle
Crime Date: 44
Victim: POW
Nationality: American
Agency: German Civilians
Subject of the proceeding: An American airman was forced to parachute from his burning plane. Once reaching the ground, the severely burned airman was taken into custody by three residents of Walle. While transporting the flyer to town a crowd gathered and the accused assaulted the airman