'Dachau Trials'
Trials by U.S. Army Courts in Europe 1945 - 1948

File Number: US024
Review Date: 480119
Case Nr.: 11-519 & 11-584-1 & 12-3191D (US vs. Kurt Petersdorff [Petersdorf] et al)
Crime Category: War Crimes
Fuerboeck, Johann - Acquittal
Haak, Alois - 25 Years
Mutschler, Friedrich - Life Sentence
Petersdorf, Kurt - Acquittal
Philipp, Viktor - 3 Years
Court: General Military Government Court at Dachau, Germany 471003-471027
Country where the crime had been committed: Germany, France
Crime Location: Muttersholtz, Wolfisheim, unknown
Crime Date: 411209-450508
Victim: POW’s
Nationality: American
Agency: Gendarmerie District Schlettstadt (Alsace)
Subject of the proceeding:
The accused subjected surrendered POW’s to cruelties and mistreatment, including killings, beatings, torture, abuse and other indignities. Around 21 July 1944, they participated in the killing of a unarmed American airman, who had been captured in the woods near Ebersmünster (Alsace), where he had landed his plane. Around 15 August 1944, they encouraged and participated in the killing of an unarmed American POW near Wolfisheim.