'Dachau Trials'
Trials by U.S. Army Courts in Europe 1945 - 1948

File Number: US020
Review Date: 471124
Case Nr.: 11-52 (US vs. Bernhard Koenke [Koehnke])
Crime Category: War Crimes
Koehnke, Bernhard - Acquittal
Court: General Military Government Court at Dachau, Germany 470915-470916
Country where the crime had been committed: France
Crime Location: La Villabeau
Crime Date: 440615
Victim: POW’s
Nationality: American
Agency: Unknown
Subject of the proceeding:
The accused was part of a search party after three unarmed American air men, who had parachuted from their damaged planes and hid in the woods. During the search the accused shot and killed one of the air men and wounded another